Doctoral Training

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Graduate Centers for CRC 1182 Members

All doctoral students have to register, with their matriculation number or prove that they registered their dissertation project at Kiel University, at the Graduate Center (GZ). By this, they will receive monthly an e-mail by the GZ informing about current courses.
Doctoral students of Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf have to join the Interdisciplinary Graduate and Research Academy Düsseldorf (iGRAD).
Students could additionally ask to participate at courses of the International Max Planck Research School for Evolutionary Biology (IMPRS) at MPI Plön. The Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education (IPN) has its own academic mentoring program for its doctoral students.

Start of Your Doctoral Thesis

Enrollment of your doctoral thesis

It is recommended that the students of the CRC 1182 are enrolled as doctoral students at Kiel University or at least that they register their dissertation project at Kiel University. The students need to register with the Math. Nat. Faculty and are strongly advised to do so within the first year. All participating students will be eligible to receive their doctoral degrees from Kiel University, following the official guidelines of the Math. Nat. Faculty (Promotionsordnung) and the general guidelines of the university.
The exceptional case are students of Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf. These students have to enroll at their university.

All scientific work within the CRC 1182 is in accordance with the “Rules of Good Scientific Practice – principles of scientific work pursuant to the recommendations of the German Research Foundation (DFG) (University Senate resolution of 28 May 2002) in the current version.

Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC)

Besides the guidance from their direct advisor, students are also supervised and mentored by a Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC). It allows a close supervision of the doctoral student from different angles of faculty specializations and will consist of:

  • the doctoral student´s immediate advisor,
  • a faculty member from the institution, where the doctoral student is registered,
  • an external scientist (at least from another Institute, but preferentially from another Institution).

The doctoral candidate and its supervisor have to sign the “CRC 1182 Study and Supervision Agreement”.

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