YIRD 2019: Impressions
The Young Investigator Research Day 2019 took place from 8 to 9 August, this year at the GEOMAR east-shore building in Kiel. Apart from discussions and networking across institutes and national borders within the area of host-microbe-environment interactions, CRC 1182 junior scientists had the opportunity to present their research either by oral or poster presentations. The event also featured a career coaching session which aimed at providing insights into funding opportunities, essentials for successful proposal preparation, personal development coaching and insights into the US science & University system. Keynote lectures were given by Dr. Mary Beth Decker, Yale University and Prof. Paul Turner, Yale University. CRC 1182-speaker Thomas Bosch complemented the program with a discussion round on key elements to a succesful academic career.
Like in previous years, among all scientific presentations and posters, prices were awarded for the best talk and the best poster. Laureates were voted by all conference attendees. This year’s winners are:
- Best Oral Presentation: Janina Lange, Zoological Institute, CAU Kiel
- Best Poster Presentation: Vaibhvi, Zoological Institute, CAU Kiel
As a novelty in 2019, the YIRD Mentor Award was given to Prof. Arne Traulsen and Dr. Katja Dierking, in recognition of and thanks for their support of mentoring young researchers, respectively.
The prize winners were voted by the participants of the conference: Best Talk: Janina Lange, Zoological Institute, CAU Kiel Best Poster: Vaibhvi, Zoological Institute, CAU Kiel As a novelty in 2019, the YIRD Mentor Award was given to Prof. Arne Traulsen and Dr. Katja Dierking, in recognition of and thanks for their support of mentoring young researchers, respectively.
Here are a some more impressions of this year’s YIRD: