Pees, B.*, Peters, L., Treitz, C., Hamerich, I. K., Kissoyan, K. A., Tholey, A., & Dierking, K.* (2024). MBio, 15(4), e03463-23. doi: https://doi.org/10.1128/mbio.03463-23. *Shared corresponding authors
Project A4 (PIs Traulsen, Schulenburg) aims to study the role of multilevel selection and microbial transmission mode in shaping host-microbiome interactions, the resulting phenotypes, and the fitness of hosts and associated microbes. The project will …
Pees, B.*, Peters, L., Treitz, C., Hamerich, I. K., Kissoyan, K. A., Tholey, A., & Dierking, K.* (2024). MBio, 15(4), e03463-23. doi: https://doi.org/10.1128/mbio.03463-23. *Shared corresponding authors
Marinos, G., Hamerich, I. K., Debray, R., Obeng, N., Petersen, C., Taubenheim, J., Zimmermann, J., Blackburn, D., Samuel, B. S., Dierking, K., Franke, A., Laudes, M., Waschina, S., Schulenburg, H., & Kaleta, C. (2024). Microbiology Spectrum, 12(2), e01144-23. doi: https://doi.org/10.1128/spectrum.01144-23
Petersen C*, Hamerich IK*, Adair KL*, Griem-Krey H, Torres Oliva M, Hoeppner MP, Bohannan BJM*, Schulenburg H* (2023) Host and microbiome jointly contribute to environmental adaptation. ISME Journal doi.org/10.1038/s41396-023-01507-9. *Shared first or senior authorship.
Griem-Krey H*, Petersen C*, Hamerich IK, Schulenburg H (2023) The intricate triangular interaction between protective microbe, pathogen, and host genetics determines fitness of the metaorganism. bioRxiv *shared first authors doi:10.1101/2023.03.22.533850.