Scientific Advisory Board

Prof. Dr. Margaret McFall-Ngai

Prof. Dr. Margaret McFall-Ngai


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The potential importance of the built-environment microbiome and its impact on human health

Bosch, T. C., Wigley, M., Colomina, B., Bohannan, B., Meggers, F., Amato, K. R., Azad, M. B., Blaser, M. J., Brown, K., Dominguez-Bello, M. G., Ehrlich, S. D., Elinav, E., Finlay, B., Geddie, K., Geva-Zatorsky, N., Giles-Vernick, T., Gros, P., Guillemin, K., Haraoui, L. P., Johnson, E., Keck, F., Lorimer, J., McFall-Ngai, M. J., Nichter, M., Petterson, S., Poinar, H., Rees, T., Tropini, C., Undurraga, E. A., Zhao, L., & Melby, M. K. (2024). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121(20), e2313971121. doi:

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