Junior Researchers Training Workshop
Study of host-microbe interactions with the help of hindsight from endosymbiosis
“The historian is a prophet looking backwards” (Friedrich Schlegel)
Endosymbiosis and the evolution of eukaryotic organelles are examples for evolutionary transformations of symbiotic interactions. The evolution of eukaryotic organelles is characterized by an extreme outsourcing of protein expression; most of the proteins required for the organelles function are encoded in the nuclear genome, translated in the cytosol and imported into the organelle. Fundamental milestones in the evolution of eukaryotic organelles thus include the development of protein import machinery and a massive endosymbiotic gene transfer followed by an extreme reduction of the symbiont genome. In this workshop we aim to further our understanding of host-microbe interactions by learning the principles of past endosymbiosis events along the eukaryotic lineage. The workshop brings together experts in the evolutionary history of eukaryotic organelles and young scientists studying the origin and function of metaorganism. The goal of the workshop is to formulate novel research questions on host-microbe interactions suggested by our hindsight examination of endosymbiosis and eukaryotic origins.
Confirmed speakers
John Archibald (Dalhousie University)
Angela E. Douglas (Cornell University)
Sven Gould (Düsseldorf University)
Bill Martin (Düsseldorf University)
Andrew Roger (Dalhousie University)
Meeting starts: 2.5.2018, 14:00
Meeting ends: 4.5.2018, 15:00
Centre for Biosciences (ZMB) of Kiel University
The workshop will include short presentations by young scientists as well as discussion in working groups. The preliminary program will come soon.
Members of the CRC 1182 or Dalhousie University are invited to give an oral presentation and take part in the discussion groups.
Talks will be selected from among submitted abstracts of 150 words.
Registration is required for all participants.
Please register until 19 March 2018!
Tal Dagan & Christian Woehle (Kiel University)