CRC 1182 Summer Get-together (offline, in person)

the Corona pandemic has a tight grip on the world, and our CRC 1182 activities are of course affected by this in many ways. The restrictions remind us of the importance of our center as a place of encounter and exchange. Suddenly we understand what damage occurs in the scientific community when we are no longer allowed to meet each other in person … Fortunately, the conditions have eased somewhat:

Therefore – it is my great pleasure to invite you to a summer get-together to learn about the CRC 1182  on Tuesday, August 18 2020 under the applicable hygiene conditions. The party will take place in the Restaurant Budenzauber , Tonberg 15, 24113 Kiel (= alte Hauptgüterbahnhof in Kiel). We are particularly happy to welcome and meet our new doctoral students and post docs. So please join us and do not miss this rare opportunity for direct exchange.

For planning it is necessary to register by a short email to the CRC office (


All registered members of the CRC 1182


August 18th, 2020


Restaurant Budenzauber, Tonberg 15, 24113 Kiel

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