INF Workshop (online)

Dear members of the CRC 1182,

as discussed previously, we are happy to invite you to a (virtual) presentation of the INF project. As one of the central infrastructures to our joint endeavors, we want to make sure that you are aware of the resources and services offered through INF (and the University compute center).

But more importantly, we want to provide you with an open forum to discuss how INF could be used in your research and what additional activities you want to see from us. These activities could be specific bioinformatic training opportunities or maybe you have specific hardware needs that should be considered for future cluster upgrades – or maybe there are other things we have not even thought about yet.

So please join us on March 4th at 1:00 pm on Zoom:

Looking forward to meeting you all,

Lucas, Holger, Marc and Andre


All CRC 1182 members


March 04th, 2021


Zoom Meeting

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