Virtual Career Development Event for Postdocs
This event is for SymbNET’s postdoc network, but it is also open to the entire research community of SymbNET.
Registration is mandatory.
To map a career and plan career moves, we must consider where to start, what to prepare, and how to think about the options ahead.
Alongside the theory of how to build a professional profile, start the job-finding process and make decisions about the future, we will hear from three experts on academic research, science training and education, and science communication about their own experience: the career steps they have taken, the challenges faced, and the advice they have for anyone wishing to follow a similar career path.
Ana Catarina Certal
Scientific Platforms Coordinator. Champalimaud Foundation, Portugal.
Inês Crisóstomo
Research Facilitator, trainer and coach. University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
Ana Godinho
Head of Education, Communications and Outreach. CERN, Switzerland.
Verity Elston, UNIL
Karina Xavier, FCG-IGC
Leonor Ruivo, FCG-IGC
Mariana G Simões, SymbNET, FCG-IGC
Verity Elston, UNIL
Rachel Coulthard-Graf, EMBL
Patricia Cabezas, EMBL
Margarida Trindade, ITQB NOVA
Cleo Pietschke, CAU
FCG-IGC Postdoc committee
ITQB NOVA Postdoc committee
This event is open and free of charge to the entire research community of SymbNET, but registration is mandatory.
We are looking forward to your participation!
SymbNET – Genomics and Metabolomics in a Host-Microbe Symbiosis Network
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 952537